v 4.3|Pham Kim Long
Free Vietnamese keyboard app
Unikey is the most widely used, free Vietnamese keyboard available for Windows. After installing the program, set Vietnamese as your default language on Windows and you are able to write in Vietnamese.
You can type in your preferred language with text suggestions in Microsoft Edge browser. This allows you to type in Vietnamese accents and other special characters without having to use complicated shortcuts. You can also use EVkey or Google Input Tools to find multilingual keyboards.
Who created UniKeyUniKey is an open source program that Pham Kim Long developed to allow you to use a Vietnamese keyboard on your Windows device.
What is UniKey.EXE?UniKey.EXE is completely safe, even though some.EXE files can be dangerous. It is the executable file that makes up the UniKey keyboard app for Windows.
How can I type Vietnamese in Windows 10To make Windows recognize the input from the UniKey keyboard, install Vietnamese as a listed Language in your device's Settings. Here's how you can do it in Windows 10
UniKey has been supporting Edge's new Chromium version for some time. The latest update has made UniKey more responsive by deleting and changing characters that were previously associated with Edge's suggested text.
A different languageUniKey is an open-source utility that is small and doesn't use a lot of system resources. It isn't updated often so you might have to wait for performance issues or other glitches. It's still a great app for writing Vietnamese because of its simplicity, reliability, and speed.