v 3.12.2|DeskSoft
SmartCapture from DeskSoft makes it easy to capture images from your screen. SmartCapture is a screen capture tool that works on Windows. It is a great utility for everyone because of its simple layout and intuitive user interface.
SmartCapture offers a variety screen capture options. SmartCapture can capture rectangle screen areas, entire objects, windows, and active windows. It can also capture images from various imaging devices, such as scanners or digital cameras.
You can easily crop and edit any images you capture. You can change the color depth to any value, from monochrome to true color. You can also save captured images, copy them to the clipboard and send them via email.
These are the key features:
SmartCapture is an all-purpose image tool that meets all your basic requirements. It supports all major file types and has basic image manipulation tools, such as. resize, flip, rotate, color replace, invert, etc. SmartCapture is a popular choice because it supports multiple monitors and offers a variety of features including full automation, capture wizard and capture profile.