How to Convert SageThumbs to Windows Vista
SageThumbs is a simple photo editing program that allows you to take great pictures with your digital camera. SageThumbs is easy to use, efficient, and most importantly, it's free! These features include:
- Isometric and clipping, Grayscale, Gamma and Monochrome, Pantones, RGB conversions, White Balance, Landscape. - Catalog and Tag tool. - Built-in browser to inspect and search image files. - Use tag clouds to highlight a photo. - Save folders to different folders. - Rotate, resize, stretch and resize images. Convert color from black to white
Smart crop and zoom Smart indent. - Canvas optimization. - Built-in browser to inspect and search image files. - Tint and fade the raster. - Preview thumbnails. View canvas in all resolutions. - Create, merge, and synchronize folders. - Automatic background enhancement