PostgreSQL for PC

PostgreSQL for Windows

v 13.3|PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Technical Details

Sub Category
Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows XP
PostgreSQL Global Development Group
262.21 MB


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Programming database free of charge

PostgreSQL, a free relational database management program, can be used for personal and professional purposes. Postgres has been around for more than thirty years. The open-source nature allows users to improve the functionality of the software.

Additional relational database engines include SQLite, SQLite and Oracle Database. Both SQLite and MySQL are open-source platforms similar to PostgreSQL. Although the alternatives have a greater number of users than PostgreSQL has seen a significant increase in popularity of PostgreSQL.

What is PostgreSQL used to do?

PostgreSQL can be used to manage data in a database. Postgres allows you to create, organize, and upload information to the platform. Postgres is a versatile software that allows you to choose from client libraries or command-line tools during installation. Libraries include ecpg and libpq as well as pg_basebackup and pg_bench.

You can install the PostgreSQL database server, pgAdmin 4 and Stack Builder. To use pgAdmin 4 or PostgreSQL Server, you must install the command-line tools. During the setup process, you can select and uncheck the boxes that best suit your needs.

The installer will provide you with a default port number that can be changed. During setup, you will need to create your password. There are two main user interfaces: a command-line interface and a graphical user interface. The command-line interface is psql. The psql window allows you to develop and load information. Psql allows you to program easily.

The GUI is called "pgAdmin". Using pgAdmin, you can instantly create tables and queries using a user-friendly interface. PostgreSQL includes many plugins and a variety programming languages. Postgres is a powerful program that can perform in all situations and excels at production applications. Multiversion Concurrency control is a technique that enhances performance.

Multiple cores can be used on the machine hosting your MVCC database. Postgres provides non-blocking indexes which allow you to manipulate an index even if PostgreSQL has been in production. PostgreSQL also includes partial indexes. Partial indexes are useful for production applications, as you can index a subset within the column you are indexing.

Can Postgres handle big data?

As Postgres continues to improve, the community has provided a wide range of data types. PostgreSQL supports most storage needs. Blob storage allows you to store large objects, even CSV files. Boolean and hstore are additional data types available in Postgres. You can create ranges if you have sets with minimum and maximal values.

Postgres offers a wide range of indexes. The binary tree, GIN, GIST and Hash are all available. Indexes can help reduce your workload and give you the performance you need. The gin_trgm Index can be used to create a website that allows users to search for a partial or full name.

PostgreSQL offers extensions that you can integrate. You can trigger events using the stored procedure extensions and scheduled jobs. You can schedule jobs to update your database using Pg_cron. After an update is completed, the plpsql value will trigger an additional event. The pg_stat_statements function allows you to get query and subquery statistics. Postgres integrates GIS functionality and the postgis value.

Is PostgreSQL more powerful than MySQL?

PostgreSQL has a higher trust rating than MySQL because it is developed by Oracle. Multiversion Concurrency Control is another advantage that Postgres offers over MySQL. To increase performance, you can run parallel queries using Postgres' multi-core capabilities.

A database system with advanced features

PostgreSQL can be used as an object-relational database management system. PostgreSQL can be used by anyone, as it is open-source. Postgres was created by developers for developers. The utility continues to be improved by the global development group. PostgresSQL can be used for free and you don't need to upgrade to paid plans.

What's new?

Software updates are regularly released. Software updates include new features that enhance the development environment. Postgres is always up-to-date on the latest optimisation trends. Postgres can be downloaded on BSD, Linux and Mac operating systems. You can review the release notes on the official website.