v 5.5|CAD-KAS GbR
Editor and PDF viewer
The CAS-KAD PDF Editor, an office and productivity tool, allows you to view, read, and edit portable format files. It can open PDF files with plain text, images and vector graphics. Its main feature is its twenty-one translations. This allows you to switch to your preferred language. It also offers a wide range of editing tools that allow you to edit, comment, annotate, and protect your PDF files. It is a useful tool to keep in your Windows Vista or higher-powered Windows PC.
Full-featured PDF toolAt launch, there will be four rows at the top PDF Editor's window. The standard set of tabs, such as File Edit, View and Edit, is displayed in the first row. The next two rows are for editing tools. These allow you to access some features found under the Edit tab. The last row allows for you to switch tabs between editing a document, organizing pages, and giving the file password. PDF Editor provides a comprehensive annotation tool. There are three options for commenting on files: Note, Free text, and Stamp.
You can also highlight, underline, and strikeout text in addition to annotating. The Pointer tool is required to perform all the above features. It can select and move notes, form fields, as well as attachments, and it can also move them. PDF Editor has been fitted by CAS-KAS with tools that can be used to edit text, images and graphics. This tool can edit files created on your computer or scanned documents. It also provides a simple and organized interface. This program is ideal for users who send and receive PDF documents regularly.