v 4.5.2|itseez
The Open Source Computer Vision Library (or OpenCV, if you prefer) contains over 2500 algorithms, detailed documentation, and sample code for real time computer vision.
OpenCV is primarily focused on real-time image processing. If it finds Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives, it will use these commercially optimized routines to accelerate its own processes.
OpenCV library supports
OpenCV can perform many different tasks, including basic image processing such as filtering and morphology. It can also do geometrical transformations, histograms and color space transformations. OpenCV can also perform advanced image processing such as inpainting and watershed segmentation. OpenCV can also perform more complex tasks like contour processing and computational geometry, various feature detectors, and descriptors (these could range from simple Harris detectors to Hough transforms, SURF or MSER), object tracking, optical flow and object detection using cascades boosted haar classifiers.
The application works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
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