Notepad++ (32-bit) for PC

Notepad++ (32-bit) for Windows

v 7.9.1|Notepad++

Technical Details

Sub Category
Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7
3.65 MB


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Copy and code notepad free of charge

Notepad++ is a free notepad/code editor software that works in a variety of programming languages. It supports syntax highlighting and code folding. Notepad++ was developed by Don Ho for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It implements a variety of useful features. This text editor is known for its small size and fast execution speed.

Is Notepad++ safe?

The platform is highly secure thanks to Notepad++'s regular updates. The GPL license: General Public License makes the text and source code editor free. Depending on the operating system of your device, you can choose between the 32-bit or 64-bit download package.

Notepad++ is not compatible with Unix or Mac OS X operating systems. The software can only be used with MS Windows operating system. The platform's exclusive access to Windows OS offers a wide range of benefits, including right click support for files that can be edited within the notepad.

Notepad++ was developed with Scintilla, an editing component. It is scripted using C++ and functions using Win32 API calls. By performing with STL, the software can provide powerful editing performance with a smaller program size. The program developers aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by lowering power consumption. This is done without compromising user friendliness or optimizing many routines.

Do I need Notepad++?

The software launches quickly to greet users. The top row contains menu options: Search', View', Encoding' and Language'. Likewise, Run' and 'Plugins'. Although the interface is simple, there are many features to explore. The bar directly above the document can contain multiple tabbed files. There are many ways that consumers can create new documents.

To create a new file, click on 'File'. Double-clicking on the tab bar will allow you to create new tabbed documents. You can close documents by clicking on the tabs beside the file titles. You can drag the tabbed documents to arrange them.

Notepad++ users can easily add files to the editing interface by dragging and dropping files onto a tab bar. Users can also add files by clicking on the second icon in the bottom menu bar or going to File.

Notepad++ supports many languages for syntax folding, customisable syntax highlighting and autocompletion. The framework may not support the preferred programming language if it is not listed. However, the Notepad++ community can add language plug-ins or define their language using the 'User Defined Language’ feature.

After selecting a preferred programming language, the Notepad++ community is able to begin coding the file in its document section. After people have applied the code, they will be able to run the source code directly by clicking on "Run" on the upper menu bar. They can then choose their preferred browser (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Safari). The design process is made easier by allowing users to view the code quickly.

The app allows users to view documents in a split-screen mode by right clicking on the title of a tabbed file and navigation to the bottom option: "Move to Another View". The selected document will share the screen alongside another tabbed document. Drag and drop desired files into another document to move them within the dual view.

To copy an entire document, right-click on its title and select the 'Clone the Other View' command. Notepad++ allows you to access two versions of the same document by optimising it. Zooming is possible by going to 'View', hovering over 'Zoom' and choosing one of three options: 'Zoom In' or 'Zoom Out'.

The application has column editor and editing options. The column editor can be opened by clicking on 'Edit' in the upper toolbar.

Notepad++ automatically saves changes to documents to a temporary memory. Users can continue to use their saved notes by closing Notepad++ and then opening it again. A red icon will be displayed in the tab next the title of each document to let users know that it has been modified.

Notepad++'s speed is a key aspect of its performance. It can open and manipulate large files without affecting the Windows environment. Notepad++'s combination of high speed, capacity and low storage space is why it is so popular among programmers and developers.

Other applications

Notepad++, aside from Notepad, is automatically equipped with Windows. It is similar to Sublime Text and Atom text editors, as well as Visual Studio Code. Notepad++ can only be used on Windows OS. Sublime Text and Atom are available on Windows OS and Mac OS X. VSC is available on Linux OS.

All applications support syntax highlighting, code folding and autocompletion. However, Sublime Text and Atom have better autocompletion software that Notepad++. Notepad++ does not support syntax checking, but syntax highlighting and folding is available in Notepad++. VSC and Atom both have a syntax checker built into the software that can be used to quickly find and correct coding errors.

Source code editor and notebook

Notepad++ is a free code editor and text editor for Windows OS. Notepad++ users are protected by the GPL. The software is fast to launch and has many functions. It also opens large files quickly and takes up very little memory space on your PC. The software supports both programmers and developers by offering a wide range of programming languages, including syntax folding, highlighting, and autocompletion.

The platform releases new versions almost every day. The Notepad++ community can navigate the? option and select 'Update Notepad ++'.' to stay updated with the latest changes. Users are prompted to install any new software updates if they are available.