NHibernate for PC

NHibernate for Windows

v 4.1.1|NHibernate Community

Technical Details

Windows 98, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7
NHibernate Community
7.6 MB


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NHibernate, an open-source object-relational mapping tool for the.NET framework, is mature and well-developed. The app is actively being developed and fully featured. It has been used in thousands of successful projects around the world.

These are the key features

    Visual Studio Friendly: Visual Studio allows you to easily map regular C# and VB.NET object model designs. No special base classes, attributes or special bases are required. Fully supports inheritance, components, and enums. Fast Development Cycle: Generates databases tables from domain models. All popular relational databases are supported. Supports legacy scenarios with the most complex. Tons of plugins & tools: Full Text Search. Cluster-scoped caching using Microsoft Velocity & Memcached Rules for business validation. ReSharper plugin. Castle Active Record. S#arp Architecture. There are many more. Established Community: NHibernate, a popular and rapidly growing ORM, has a supportive community of seasoned developers. It is used in thousands of open-source and commercial projects.

NHibernate does more than just map.NET classes to SQL tables, and.NET data types from SQL data types to.NET data types. It also offers data query and retrieval capabilities. This can greatly reduce the development time that would otherwise be spent on manual data handling in SQL or ADO.NET.