Hibernate can be described as an Object/Relational Mapper. It is very popular among Java applications. It implements the Java Persistence API.
Hibernate ORM allows developers to create applications that last beyond the application process's lifetime.
These are the key features
JPA Provider: Hibernate implements the Java Persistence API (JPA), in addition to its own API. It can be used in any environment that supports JPA, including Java SE applications and Java EE application servers. Hibernate also implements the Java Persistence API (JPA) specification. Hibernate does not require interfaces or base classes to create persistent classes. It also allows for a highly scalable architecture. Hibernate scales well in any environment: Use it to drive your in-house Intranet that serves hundreds of users or for mission-critical applications that serve hundreds of thousands.Reliable: Hibernate is well known for its excellent stability and quality, proven by the acceptance and use by tens of thousands of Java developers.Extensibile: Hibernate is highly configurable and extensible It can be altered to best suit specific needs and requirements.
Hibernate, an Object/Relational Mapping framework, is concerned with data persistence in relational databases (via JDBC).