v 2018.147|Ascora GmbH
Google offers many useful services to its users. Users pay for this convenience as Google uses its online services in order to collect personal data about them. Abelssoft's GClean has been designed to sync with the most recent Internet browsers and provides an easy-to use interface with powerful tools that prevent data being sent to Google.
Google Desktop, Google Toolbar Chrome, Picasa, Earth, and Chrome all send some information back to Google. GoogleClean stops Google apps sending unnecessary personal information. GoogleClean allows users to make anonymous user IDs, delete personal data, and destroy spy cookies.
These are the key features:
GoogleClean is an extremely useful app for security conscious users. It allows you to delete all trace automatically, instead of having to go through them manually. You can delete cookies, delete DOM cookies and delete form data as well as saved passwords.
GoogleClean can detect services from many Google apps such as Google Mail and Google Maps, YouTube, Google Analytics, Google Toolbars, Google Desktop Search, Google Earth and Google Updater. GoogleClean is able to delete browsing history, clear all download lists, clear cache, clear saved data, and forget passwords from Google's popular web browser Chrome.