v 1.0|Media Freeware
Free XML Editor - Pick One
Free XML Editor is an I.T. Media Freeware developed the application. It is a freeware XML editor that is easy to use and provides standard tools for content creators. It allows users to easily create XML codes from scratch and convert any text file to other coding languages. To view or edit XML file, click on the editor's toolbar. Then select the menu VIEW'. Drag & drop the XML file to the Explorer folder you choose to save your changes.
Microsoft recently launched Windows Vista, a new version their Windows operating system. The Windows operating system includes an "XML Editor", which allows users to edit and view their XML code as well as allow others to view the same code. There are many shareware and free XML editors available on the Internet. But which one is the best? This is the question we'll try to answer.
There are many options for free XML editors. WYSIWYG programs are the best, which allows you to quickly navigate through the editing features. The majority of them have basic text editing tools like auto complete, grammar checker, and spell checker. Some allow you to access the HTML editing and allow you to create and upload your own websites. A free version is a good choice if you are looking for an easy but functional editing tool.