v 2.4|GKC ElectroSoft
FControl is a program that monitors the files and applications on your computer. It is a useful and effective solution to protect your computer's files, when anti-virus or anti-malware software won't work.
FControl is the ideal solution when you own the laptop or PC and want other people to have limited access.
FControl can be used to protect files and areas on a user's computer. This means that you can prevent your roommates, younger siblings, and anyone else from deleting your end-of-year thesis, that is yet to be published, critical registry settings, or even your saved games.
FControl will detect any changes in user-defined files and turn off or restart your computer. This limits the damage that other users can do to your system. What is the best way to prevent this?
FControl is a small program that allows users to control the content, size, and changes of files, directories and applications.
FControl also offers a logging system that allows you to see what other people have done or attempted to do. This can help you avoid the malfunctioning of programs.
FControl is shareware. This means that you can freely use it and share it as long as no one makes money. Although it may not be right for everyone, FControl works and is very effective at what it does.