v 1.0|Star Garden Games
Demonstrator of casual puzzle game
Factori is a puzzle game that allows you to build small factories in various combinations to create letters in the alphabet. Each letter is difficult and you will need to combine the right factory components in order to succeed. You may need to draw on lessons from previous missions in order to overcome more difficult obstacles.
You'll unlock recipes as you complete levels. The factories send their products along a grid, which is then passed through other components to create the letter. You can only play the first level of the demo, but you can pay a minimum donation to unlock the full game. You might also enjoy puzzle games like ArtPazz or Legbreaker.
Making alphabetical lettersFactori are used to place factories on the grid, and create letters of the alphabet. Each component has a specific function. This is how you will place the letters in the correct order. The most difficult ones require a combination of letters from the past, but you can also reflect on other letters.
Get unlock recipesAs you progress through each factori level, you will unlock recipes for the letters that you have created. These recipes will help you in future development. You may need to reuse some of these items for advanced levels. Rotating items can help you craft the letter you need. For the top scores, you will be competing against other online players.
Your scrapbook should include artThe scrapbook is another feature children might like. You'll find juvenile drawings in your scrapbook when you unlock letters or recipes. There are many to choose from, and you can check the words you have made along the way. Because of the size of the grid, and the complexity of factories, words can only contain a few letters.
Letter factoriesFactori is a puzzle game that will keep you busy for hours. To complete the levels with the required words, you will need to place factories in the right places. Gamers who enjoy collecting items will love the scrapbook, recipes, and words you can create and share with your friends.