v 5|Rawos
Share your notes in rich-text format
Easy Notes is an open-source project that allows you to create and share notes. You can share your notes with anyone, anyplace! You can create stylish, portable notes in any color you like. You can edit the fonts, add photos, or merge them with text from other documents. You can add comments, locations, attach files, and attach multiple files at the same time. Picasa and other file conversion software makes it easy to create moving pictures.
Windows users will be able use Easy Notes quickly and easily with other small apps to manage their notes. You can create a new text file, add images, videos, and links. Advanced searching allows you to search for specific information. Save your note after you're done typing. You can then export it to one of the many formats like HTML or PDF (many prefer to send them all to one destination). You can then share your information with all your Windows users or with the internet. To make your notes more appealing, create rich-text formatting.
This program was created with the idea that people want all the features of an internet application but still have the ability to access all the functions they would expect from a full-featured word processing like Excel. This app is unique because of many small details. It doesn't try to be all things to all people, it is very lightweight and easy to use. Although it doesn't have the full-featured Word processor, it is very user-friendly and efficient for sharing notes. The only thing that makes it truly useful is the ability to edit and import files in rawos.