DriverStore Explorer for PC

DriverStore Explorer for Windows

v 0.11.72|Teddy Zhang

Technical Details

System Tuning & Utilities
Sub Category
File managers
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 8
Teddy Zhang
940.56 KB


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Driver store explorer free

DriverStore Explorer is a Teddy Zhang open-source utility. This software makes it easy to manage your Windows driver store. This utility allows you to add, delete, force delete, and delete packages. Users can also perform enumeration, add and install packages. DriverStore Explorer allows you to list all packages in your current driver store.

You can also stage. Staging refers to when you add or remove a driver from the driver store, such DriverIdentifier. This utility is required if you are using Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10.

How do I get started using DriverStore?

DriverStore is easy to use. First, make sure you have.NET Framework 4.0 installed and then run DriverStore as an administrator. It doesn't need to be installed. This utility must be run with administrative privileges in order to provide a complete user experience.

Driver manager is easy to use

The DriverStore app is very simple, as we've already mentioned. After you have started the application, you will see a list of all available driver packages. Because it is easy to use, the software operation list is simple for everyone.

The driver explorer allows users to delete and add drivers from the Windows 10 driver store. It can also remove multiple packages at one time.

Where can I find Windows 10 drivers?

All Windows 10 drivers will be found in the C:WindowsSystem32 subfolder DriveStore, Drivers, or DRVSTORE. The letter C is the drive on which you installed Windows operating system.

A simple way to deal directly with the driver store

DriverStore Explorer is simple to use, regardless of your level. It provides a quick way to manage the driver store drivers package. It can also be used to clean older versions of drivers and prevent unwanted packages from reinstalling on your computer.