Comodo Free Firewall replaces Windows' default utility. The interface is modern, intuitive, and easy to use. It is not only pleasing to the eye, but also offers enhanced protection through a continuously updated cloud database that will ensure your system remains as safe as possible.
These are the key features:
This firewall protects your computer against all external threats efficiently and effectively. It uses a feature called default deny protection (DDP), which prevents any threats from entering your computer and affecting it. It uses a cross-reference system to ensure that any unknown software is not introduced to your system. Comodo Free Firewall will cross refer it to a white-list with over 15 million apps and files to verify if it's legitimate. Comodo Free Firewall will warn you if it isn't.
Overall, Comodo Free Firewall can block online threats and provide a solid defense for your system against attacks. It also includes a robust browser, virtual desktop, and sandboxing. It flags both good files and bad files, which can be quite annoying.