v 2.0|ColorJinn
Calibrize Display Technology
Calibrize, a free program that calibrates your laptop's display using measured data from a colourimeter, is available for download. Calibrize measures the measured hue in hues per inch (or HPI). Calibrize allows you to easily measure the maximum or minimum color.
Calibrize is so effective because it uses two methods for measuring color: one using a traditional observer and another using a digital camera. There are some differences. You would use a standard tester to set the Calibrize threshold at the value you believe is correct. Then, you would use the camera for taking a photograph. To verify that your new settings are correct, you can do a quick Gamma test (which measures the color temperature). If your new settings give you an incorrect result, you can do a quick Gamma test to determine if the setting is the right one.
This is how Calibrize's rapid gamma option works. Quickgamma automatically measures the hues of your selected color and compares them to a known standard. Your display's threshold is set correctly if the measured value is close enough to the average of both the two. It is time to run a quick Gamma Test to determine if it is higher than your threshold value. The quick gamma testing will quickly show you if your color calibrator software is functioning properly or if you have serious issues with your display. If your display is having problems, contact a professional repair service.