BlueGriffon, a WYSIWYG content manager for the World Wide Web, is now available. It's powered by Gecko, Firefox's rendering engine, and is a robust solution for editing Web pages in accordance with the latest Web Standards.
BlueGriffon, an intuitive application, provides Web authors (beginners and more advanced) with a simple User Interface that allows them to create beautiful Web sites without needing to have a deep understanding of Web Standards. Gecko lives within BlueGriffon so the document you edit in Firefox will look exactly the way it does in BlueGriffon. Advanced users can use the Source View to hardcode their page.
WYSIWYG web editorBased on Gecko, the rendering engine of FirefoxCreate and edit all HTML 4, XHTML 1 and HTML 5 (both HTML and XML serializations) documentsNice, simple and intuitive User InterfaceDirectly embed HTML 5 audio or video elementsExtract a frame from your video file with a single click to use it as the poster in the Web pageFull support for the HTML 5 forms with dialogs for all the elements currently defined by the HTML 5 specificationInsert all HTML 5 elements, including the new semantic elements like header, footer, aside, section, etc.Easily resizing of tables using the vertical and horizontal rulers in the windowOwn CSS parserAutomatic output of alternative CSS properties or values for other browser domainsCSS Style Properties panelCSS 3 Properties such as 2D Transforms, 3D Transforms, Transitions, Shadows, Linear and Radial Gradients, Repeating Gradients, Border Images, Columns, Flex Box Model, and more are supportedCSS 3 Media Queries to apply stylesheets not only on a per-medium basis (styles for screen, mobile, print, ...) but also depending on the features of the rendering deviceSVG Edit includedWebFontsAdd-onsAvailable in many languages