v 2.0|Lavish Thakkar
Free Windows app removal
10AppManager is a Lavish Thakkar free tool. It is a useful tool that allows you to remove pre-installed programs and apps from your Windows 10 device. You can't uninstall or reinstall default apps.
10AppsManager 2.0 makes it simple to uninstall native Windows 10 applications. The best part is that users can easily restore apps whenever they wish. It works in a similar way to CCleaner but has different functionality.
Windows 10 Apps Can Be DeletedWindows 10 usually comes with several default applications. These default apps are not available for uninstallation or removal like third-party apps. Although they can be hidden from the start menu, users can still use them as default programs to open emails, hyperlinks, and other programs. 10AppManager is a tool that can be used to remove unwanted apps.
This program will show you all programs it can uninstall. It's usually not the programs but shortcuts to the installers.
This app can delete programs such as:
10AppManager allows you to uninstall Windows default apps from Windows. To uninstall an app, you simply need to select it and click the "Uninstall" button. The software will notify you when the app has been deleted with a dialog box.
Users can quickly restore an app whenever they need it. Select the app that you wish to restore and then click the appropriate button. To reflect the changes, you might need to reboot your computer.
Is it easy?10AppManager is very easy to use and does not require installation. Open the folder and then run the application. You can also move the software to any folder on your computer or copy it to a removable drive. Although we don't recommend that you separate the executable file from the folder, it can still be run anywhere.