How to Make a Memory Board

Level of difficulty: Difficult

Whether it is for critical computing processes or you simply want to have the challenge of doing it from scratch, there is nothing as satisfying as building your own memory board. However, building one is not as easy as it sounds. A memory board is composed of resistors, capacitors, and other complex electrical components that take a great deal of skill to put together properly.

Materials Needed:
- Soldering gun
- electrical soldering wire
- high-capacity resistors and capacitors
- Molex female edge connectors
- nylon indexing plug
- integrated circuits
Step 1
Before you begin installing parts onto the board, you should first check both sides of the board thoroughly for any signs of incomplete etching and bridges or breaks on the foil. Although the chances of a defective board are slim, it is still best to check as it would be very hard to find and fix once all the components have been installed.
Step 2
Carefully attach the resistors one by one to the board. Some boards usually come with resistors, but you can also find them at selected computer and electronics stores.
Step 3
Install and solder all capacitors on the board. Make sure that the capacitors are in their right orientation. This is indicated on the board’s layout drawing.
Step 4
Once the resistors and capacitors have been soldered, install the remaining components using the parts list and component layout drawing. Unless otherwise noted, make sure to install the components from the top side of board with the leads bending along the bottom. The wires should also be trimmed so that only 1/16' to 1/8' remains. Once all of the components are in place, solder them.
Step 5
Starting with one end of the board, install each Molex female edge connector along the board’s lower edge. The connectors have to be inserted firmly from the top side of the board and pressed firmly against the board. The body connector must also be firmly planted against the memory board with each pin fully extending onto the board. It is also recommended that the two end pins of every connector be soldered to prevent it from becoming loose and falling out of the board.
Step 6
Insert the nylon indexing plug into the edge connector pin. The pin is indicated by a small triangular arrow on the bottom side of the board.
Step 7
Install the integrated circuits into the board. The circuits have to be firmly pressed on the board and soldered only in the two leads.
Step 8
Check if all connections on the memory board have been soldered. Also, check and repair any solder bridges and cold solder joints you might find on the board during inspection.