How to change windows password

Level of difficulty: Easy

Now days we keep passwords for everything, reason being we want everything that we own secure. It is a good idea to change your windows password to keep your computer safe. Changing the password is an easy procedure and it is good to change it from time to time, especially if you have a hard time remembering the present one that you have. Even if you have forgotten your windows password, it is still possible to change your password to another one of your choice. All you have to do is follow the easy steps below to change your Windows login password:

Materials Needed:
- Specialized softwaware
Step 1
The time required to change your password does not require more than a few minutes. In the main operating system menu, click on the 'start' button, then from there, go to 'run', click on it and type out 'CMD' (Circuit Mode Data) in the dialog box which will come up.
Step 2
There will be a box that will come up in the command prompt window, there you type out 'Net Users'. Who ever has an account on that specific computer will show up. Give the name of the windows account that you want to change the password on. The list of accounts that have been registered on that computer will come up when you use the 'net user' command.
Step 3
Now you click on the 'Net user' command, along with that write the name of the account which will be followed up by an asterisk. An example of how a command should look will be this way: 'Jake Higgins*'. If you have spaces between the account name, insert the spaces, write it exactly the way the account has been made.
Step 4
You will be asked for a new password by the command line, so you then write down the name of the new password in the dialog box.
Step 5
Choose a password which will be easy for you to remember but something that cannot be easily guessed by others.
Step 6
After you have changed the windows password, you will get a confirmation that the password has been changed.
Step 7
If you are using passwords for other appliances too, then it is a good idea to keep the same password for every appliance as it will be easy to remember.