How to change fonts

Level of difficulty: Easy

Data needs to be well presented to make sure its viability is sustained. Fonts help enhancing data quality and render it comprehensible. One needs to take special care while using such applications. The choice of appropriate shall play a crucial role in presenting facts and figures.

Materials Needed:
- One needs to have a computer system and good judgment regarding color schemes.
Step 1
First basic step in changing fonts is to use advanced settings to modify Windows elements. One needs to go to Properties by using right-click on desktop. After coming to Properties, one needs to open appearance tab and go to advanced tab.
Step 2
Next important step requires users to click Item box where one can select window element of his choice that he wishes to customize. By doing this, format of other elements is also changed. Once the font color is selected, programs like Microsoft Word uses same font that has been selected for Window element. WordPad also follows same rule. Item box presents various items. Some of which my include items like Window, Menu, Icon, Message Box, ToolTip, Inactive Title bar etc.
Step 3
After selecting desired item to be modified, one needs to go to the Font box to choose right kind of font for that particular element. Quality fonts should be used to make data understandable and clear. Use of correct fonts leaves a great impact on readers’ mind. It makes data all the more exciting and easy to read. There are varied font styles that are available to users to choose from. For instance one can use options like bold, italics etc. One can even underline different headings to make information more systematic.
Step 4
After selecting correct type of font, one needs to go to the Size box to select appropriate size that one wishes to uses for his or her data. Font size should be selected very carefully to make data well-turned out and makes reading the text enjoyable for readers. Different font size needs to be selected foe headings, sub-headings and text therein. For instance, font size for main heading should be slightly bigger than sub-headings and text.
Step 5
Once the font size is decided, one needs to select a suitable color scheme for his text. This can be done by going in the Color box and selecting appropriate color for data. Different colors must be used for headings, sub-headings, and text therein to make it more presentable.